Get Help with Funeral Costs | Ever Loved


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Get Help with Funeral Costs

Create a website where others can donate to help you with funeral expenses and more.

How it works

1. You add some basic information

Let people know what you're raising money for, and add other information about the deceased and funeral, if you wish.

2. Share the website with others

You can easily post the website on Facebook and send it out via email or text to your contacts. Sharing widely will help lots of people see it.

3. Anyone can donate

When someone visits the site, they'll be able to easily donate, and money will be automatically transferred to your or someone else's bank account, based on your preference. They can also leave their favorite memories.

Create a memorial fund
In memory of
Rebecca Ann Garcia
Photo of Rebecca Ann Garcia
1983 - 2019
Bloomington, CA, USA
Open Quotation Mark
I feel like more people should know about this service. I really believe it is a great alternative to other crowdfunding sites, as it really focuses more on the loved one as opposed to just fundraising. We really felt like we were honoring Rebecca's memory and at the same time expressing there was an avenue to support the family financially for those who felt compelled to assist in that way.
Closed Quotation Mark
— Ralph Garcia
Rebecca's father

Everything that's included on your free website

Choose which features you'd like to use.

Publish an obituary Share funeral information Collect funeral RSVPs
Share a funeral livestream Post a note to friends and family
Receive photos, videos and messages Collect funeral donations
Suggest donations to a charity Let people send you flowers
Send thank you notes Share family of the deceased Build a life timeline
Share their favorite things Answer others' questions Acknowledge caregivers
Personalize color scheme Add other memorial co-managers & more

  • Publish an obituary
  • Share funeral information
  • Collect funeral RSVPs
  • Share a funeral livestream
  • Post a note to friends and family
  • Receive photos, videos and messages
  • Collect funeral donations
  • Suggest donations to a charity
  • Let people send you flowers
  • Send thank you notes
  • Share family of the deceased
  • Build a life timeline
  • Share their favorite things
  • Answer others' questions
  • Acknowledge caregivers
  • Add other memorial co-managers
  • Personalize color scheme
  • & more

Create a website

Additional premium features

One-time fee of $199.99. Try it first with a 24-hour free trial.

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  • Require a password to view
  • Control who can post
  • Remove other Ever Loved links
  • & more

Get started

The best way to start a funeral fundraiser

Highly personal

Create a page that is a celebration of your loved one's life, not just a fundraiser. Share funeral information, an obituary, photos, stories and more.

Easy to start

We'll guide you through creating the page, sharing it, and choosing where you want the funds to go. Donations can be automatically transferred to a bank account or funeral home.

No service fees

Ever Loved doesn't charge anything to raise money on our platform. Standard payment processing fees (2.9%+30¢) will still be deducted from donations.

Why start a funeral fundraiser?

Funeral fundraisers are a great way to get help paying for a funeral, memorial service or other expenses surrounding the death of a loved one. With most funerals costing anywhere from several thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, it very common to need financial support.

When you create a funeral fundraiser, anyone who visits the page will be able to donate to help out. This gives your friends, family members and broader community an easy way to help you out during a difficult time.

How funeral fundraising works


Create a Fundraising Website

In addition to sharing information about your loved one, how much money you need and what it will be used for, you can also add funeral information, an obituary, photos and more.


Share it with Others

Ever Loved makes it easy for you to share the page with your community. You can share it on Facebook, send emails, and post the link on any page on the web.


Receive Funeral Donations

Anyone who visits the page will be able to donate to help you with funeral costs. The funds can be transferred a bank account or directly to the funeral home.

Start a memorial fund

Raise money in memory of your loved one.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a funeral fundraiser?

A funeral fundraiser is a means of raising money to cover funeral and related costs. Due to the high cost of funerals ($9,000 on average!), this has become a common practice, and friends and family members are usually eager to help out. Generally families will make a funeral donations request in lieu of flowers.

How do you set up a funeral fundraiser?

The easiest way to collect funeral donations is to create a memorial fundraiser on Ever Loved. It's easy to set up a page in just a few minutes. From there you can share the page with friends and family through email, text, Facebook and more. Anyone who visits the page will be able to donate to help out. Each donation will be automatically transferred to the bank account you've chosen, and Ever Loved doesn't charge platform fees.

What's the best way to ask for donations for funeral expenses?

It's perfectly normal to not know how to ask for donations for funeral expenses. At the end of the day, the exact funeral fundraiser wording you use isn't important, but it is important to provide as many details as possible on why you're raising the money and how it will be used. For some additional suggestions and templates, check out our article on how to word a request for funeral donations.

How do I ensure that my funeral fundraiser is successful?

Most successful funeral fundraisers do well due to the number of people that see the site and are interacting with it. Hosting a successful funeral fundraiser can mean getting creative with who you share your memorial website with. Many families find success when they share the link to the memorial website with their churches, religious organizations, labor organizations, friends, family, and other local community organizations. Additionally, you can increase the likelihood of a successful funeral fundraiser by adding photos to your memorial website, writing an obituary, and asking visitors to leave their own condolences, memories, and photos.

How can I save money on funeral costs?

Funerals can be expensive and often cost much more than the average person expects. You can save money on funeral costs by taking charge over what services you're choosing, what products you purchase, what funeral home you're going with, and doing some items yourself (instead of hiring someone else to do it). Some easy ways to save money on funeral costs include purchasing funeral products online (such as a casket or headstone), publishing an obituary online (instead of through a newspaper), choosing a direct cremation or direct burial, and only choosing specific, relevant services from the funeral home you're working with.