Daniel James Loo's Obituary - Seattle, WA | Ever Loved


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Daniel's obituary

Daniel Loo, 22, of Seattle, WA passed away unexpectedly on June 04, 2022, at the loving residence of his sister and brother-in-law.

Daniel was born on February 2, 2000, to Ruben Loo and Catherine Loo (Skalican) in Toledo, Ohio. As a small child he shared a contagious and exuberant joy with everyone he met. His silliness and refusal to take life too seriously delighted (and sometimes shocked) his more reserved teenage sisters. He knew exactly how to make his family belly laugh, and he loved to dance and sing.

Daniel's love of learning, questioning, philosophizing, and building began at an early age, and during his school years, he was a bright, inquisitive, and creative student. As a child and teenager, Daniel dove into hobbies like games, rollerblading, music, and origami. He also discovered a love for computers, robotics, and graphic art which became a foundation upon which his future career path would unfold. After Daniel attended Southview High School, he pursued a more focused self-study of digital art.

Daniel was extraordinarily disciplined in his pursuit of knowledge and accreditation in digital and 3D art. In addition to completing a visual communications career course offered through Owens Community College, he spent hundreds of hours modeling, rendering, and animating scenes portraying real-world objects, immersive landscapes, video game-inspired elements, and otherworldly environments and creatures purely from his imagination. He loved working with Blender open-source software and believed tools and knowledge should be free for everyone to use and access. He participated in multiple game jams, where he collaborated with other partners to create video games from scratch. His boundless imagination and creative energy earned him honored recognition in 2020 - a Rookie Awards "Rookie of the Year" award of excellence in both 3D animation and game development. In Seattle, Daniel began work at two professional design studios. His most recent job at Ninesixtynine producing artwork for Amazon was gratifying and a position he was immensely proud to land. Check out some of his work below and at these links:  https://danielloo.artstation.… https://www.youtube.com/watch…

Daniel had a wide variety of interests and passions outside of the digital world. He loved listening to podcasts and playing Dungeons and Dragons. He played guitar or harmonica when he wanted to unwind. Daniel was also a builder and maker - he acquired an amazing number of tools and electronic components over the Covid pandemic years and taught himself to fix small machines, appliances, and computers. His sister Elena would be perplexed to find large and unwieldy components spread across her living room that he had kindly offered to fix for strangers. In his young twenties, Daniel explored a love for biology, foraging, soil, and biodiversity. This is why his family chose the terramation process for his remains.

Terramation is the transformation of human remains into nutrient-rich soil that returns to the land with a positive environmental impact. We know Daniel would have been fascinated and enthusiastic about this process. His final resting place will be a private woodland running adjacent to a trail network in the Seattle area. Feel free to reach out to the family for a more precise location.

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Daniel Loo