Sympathy and Memorial Gifts | Ever Loved


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Frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions about purchasing memorial and sympathy gifts online.
What are the best sympathy gifts to send?
Sympathy gifts are not one-size-fits-all, so the best condolence gift is one that the recipient will enjoy, find helpful or will make them feel loved. Regardless of what you choose to send, just showing that you care can go a long way.
What is generally included in a sympathy gift basket?
Every sympathy basket is different, although you'll find that many include food items and/or self-pampering gifts. When choosing a basket, think about what your friend or family member might find most useful at the moment.
Is it customary to give gifts at a funeral?
It's generally not customary to bring a gift or send a gift to a funeral, unless you're sending flowers for the service. If you'd like to give a bereavement gift, the best option is usually to send it to the recipient at home or wherever you anticipate that they will use it. This will reduce the amount of work on their end.
Am I obligated to send a sympathy gift?
Sympathy gifts are never necessary, but are a nice gesture to show you care. If a sympathy gift doesn't feel right, you may also want to consider sending flowers, a monetary donation to help with costs or simply a nice note. Every situation is unique, so trust your instincts.