Caskets at Great Prices | Ever Loved


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Overnight Caskets Titan Casket Trusted Caskets
Casket material
Wood Metal Stainless Steel
Casket type
Standard Oversized Child Infant
Yellow Green Blue Purple White Black Brown Silver Bronze Red Pink Orange Gold Rose Gold
Metal thickness
20-Gauge 18-Gauge
Overnight shipping available Eco-friendly Engraving available Pre-Need Available

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Frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions about purchasing caskets and coffins online.
What are the advantages of purchasing a casket online?
There are two significant advantages to purchasing a casket online: price and selection. Because online retailers have much lower overhead (and more competition) than funeral homes, they're able to offer significantly lowers prices on very similar caskets. It's very common to be able to save hundreds—or even thousands—of dollars by purchasing a casket on Ever Loved. Ever Loved also gives you more access to independent casket manufacturers and sellers, as opposed to just the few big-brand casket companies that sell to your funeral home. This opens up a much wider range of options. Buying online, you'll also find a greater selection of cremation caskets, child caskets, infant caskets, and pet caskets.
Will my funeral home or cemetery allow me to use a casket that I purchased on Ever Loved?
Yes! The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that funeral homes allow you to use a casket that you've purchased online or elsewhere, and they may not charge you a fee to do so. As with any other major purchase, it's always a good idea to shop around. The cemetery will also accept any casket you purchase, so long as it meets cemetery requirements. (For example, the dimensions must fit within the plot dimensions.) This should be easy to confirm with the cemetery.
How quickly will I receive a casket that I order online?
Delivery times will vary by seller and the delivery option you choose, but some casket sellers can deliver overnight, sometimes even at no additional cost. Even if you're planning a funeral on a short timeline, you still have the option to purchase a casket online.
Are there any risks in purchasing a casket online?
Purchasing a casket online is similar to purchasing any other product online. While it's important to check things like the dimensions and shipping times, you can find great caskets at much lowers prices (and a much greater variety) than you would buying a casket in person.
What is the difference between a casket and a coffin?
Simply put, a casket is the shape of a rectangle; whereas a coffin has six sides (two long sides with one short side at the bottom and three long sides at the top). While the term coffin is often used colloquially, the vast majority of burials today use a casket.