Headstones, Gravestones and Grave Markers | Ever Loved


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Headstone material
Porcelain Granite Marble Ceramic
Headstone type
Bench Flat Statue Monument Upright
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Frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions about purchasing headstones online.
What are the advantages of purchasing a headstone on Ever Loved?
Purchasing a headstone online will give you access to a much wider variety of designs, materials and options, making it easier for you to find the headstone that feels perfect for your loved one. Due to lower overhead and more competition, you'll also find that headstones purchased online are more affordable. In fact, it's easy to save hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars.
Will my cemetery allow me to use a headstone that I purchased on Ever Loved?
Yes! The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires cemeteries allow headstones purchased online or elsewhere. However, your cemetery may have certain size or aesthetic regulations that you'll need to follow. You can contact your cemetery to get a list of these regulations.
How quickly will I receive a headstone that I order on Ever Loved?
Shipping time depends on the complexity of the headstone and the seller you choose. Because each headstone is custom made, you should expect the process to take at least a month (likely more), which is common regardless of whether the headstone is purchase online or offline.
Are there any risks in purchasing a headstone online?
There are very few differences between purchasing a headstone online vs. in person. However, just as with headstones you purchase in-person, it's always important to check that the headstone you order complies with any cemetery regulations.
What is the difference between a headstone, gravestone and grave marker?
Headstones, gravestones and grave markers all share a similar purpose of showing who is buried in a specific spot. The terms headstone and gravestone are generally used to describe a raised stone with text facing the side; whereas the term grave marker is used to describe a stone that lays flat against the ground with text facing up.