
External Assurance

EY was engaged by NatWest Group plc (the ‘Group’ or ‘NWG’) to perform an assurance engagement in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (UK) 3000 July 2020, in respect of certain NWG sustainability metrics and elements of the UN PRB Template (together the ‘Subject Matter’) presented in the Group’s 2022 Strategic Report, the 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) Disclosures Report, ESG Frameworks Appendix and the 2022 Climate-related Disclosure Report (‘CRDR’) (collectively referred to as the ’Reports’).

These sustainability metrics are marked with an asterisk (*) within these Reports, and the UN PRB Template is presented within the ESG Frameworks Appendix within the 2022 ESG Disclosures Report.

Other than as described in the preceding paragraph, which sets out the scope of our engagement, we did not perform assurance procedures on the remaining information included in the Reports, and accordingly, we do not express an opinion or conclusion on this information.

An assurance report was issued which includes further details on the scope, respective responsibilities, procedures performed, inherent limitations and conclusions. This is available below.

EY Sustainability Assurance Statement (PDF 263KB)

More detail regarding our assured metrics can be found in our 2022 Sustainability Basis of reporting (PDF 359KB)