
Own operational footprint

We are targeting to achieve net zero by 2050 for our operational value chain(1) emissions covering Scopes 1, 2 and all relevant categories in Scope 3. For our own operations, this means aiming to reduce by 50% our direct own operations(2) by 2025 and our operational value chain by 2030, with a minimum 90% reduction by 2050. We plan to neutralise the residual 10% through the use of carbon credits in line with ‘SBTi Corporate Net Zero Standard’ released in October 2021. 

During 2022(3), we reduced our direct own operations emissions by 46%, against our 2019 baseline, and increased our renewable electricity consumption to 98% globally.

Our 2022 total market-based operational emissions of 73,927 tCO2e covers Scopes 1, 2 and our direct own operations’ upstream Scope 3. This includes emission reductions from the use of green electricity covering 98% of our consumption through green tariffs and renewable electricity certificates, but in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol it does not include emissions reduction from the use of carbon credits.

Net Zero Carbon by 2050

We are targeting to achieve net zero by 2050 for our operational value chain emissions covering Scopes 1, 2 and all relevant categories in Scope 3. This phased approach is shown in our road map below.

The SBTi recommends that companies invest to mitigate emissions beyond their value chain while they transition towards a state of net zero emissions. In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, emission reductions cannot be achieved through the use of carbon credits.

Our full transition plan can be found in our 2022 Climate-related Disclosure Report (PDF 9.7MB).

Sustainable Resource Use

Our Carbon Reduction Plan

We have published our Carbon Reduction Plan (PDF 194KB) in response to Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 06/21 of the UK Government (Taking Account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts). Within this Carbon Reduction Plan, we cover our Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon footprint relating to our Own Operations activities within the UK, including our offshore operations. The Scope 3 values presented here differ from those in our streamlined energy and carbon report due to the Scope 3 categories requested by the UK Government. Our direct own operations Scope 3 includes paper, water, waste, business travel, commuting and working from home; our upstream operational value chain Scope 3 includes suppliers, transportation and distribution, energy and fuel related activities not included in Scope 1 and 2; our Carbon Reduction Plan Scope 3 includes waste, business travel, commuting, upstream transportation and distribution, and downstream transportation and distribution.

Data limitations:

Climate metrics, including aims, ambitions, estimates, forecasts, plans, projections and targets and other climate metrics used in this report, especially if they are forward-looking, merit special caution as they are more uncertain than metrics based solely on factual historical financial information.

For more information on Cautions about climate-related metrics, data and methodology challenges, and Climate-related data and other forward-looking statements and metrics please see:

Cautions about climate-related metrics, data and methodology challenges, and Climate-related data and other forward-looking statements and metrics (PDF 112 KB)

Related content

Read more about our ambition to become net zero by 2050, our approach and progress highlights.

Read more about our recognition of issues relating to natural capital and our journey towards reducing negative impacts. 

Read more about our  ambition to play a leading role in championing climate solutions by supporting its customers’ transition towards a net-zero through Climate and Sustainable Funding and Financing.