
Stakeholder Engagement

We have a reciprocal relationship with all our stakeholders – knowing that when they succeed, so do we. The insights we gain by listening and engaging with them enable us to improve outcomes for customers, society and the environment. Below we provide some examples of how we collaborate with our key stakeholders to create value

We aim to balance the different interests of our stakeholders in all our decision-making, especially when there are difficult choices to be made. We also recognise the need for transparency and openness, regularly engaging and seeking the views of our stakeholders

Please see our 2022 Stakeholder Engagement table (PDF 65KB) for details of who our key stakeholders are, how we engaged with them, what we discussed and the outcomes – both at company and NatWest Group Board level.

Key ESG topics for our stakeholders

We re-evaluate our key ESG topics annually and refresh where appropriate to ensure that our list continues to be comprehensive, relevant and reflective of our stakeholder groups’ perspectives. For this year’s assessment we’ve taken into consideration the evolving landscape and engaged with a number of internal and external stakeholders. The findings guide our reporting and decision-making, ensuring we remain focused on the right issues. This year’s review once again confirmed that, as a responsible business, our approach to a broader range of ESG topics is of great significance to our stakeholders.

Read more about our ESG materiality assessment, including our methodology, here


Read more about our NatWest Group Board interactions in our Section 172 statement in the 2022 Annual Report and Accounts

Related content

Read more about how we strive to create value by balancing the different needs of our stakeholders.

Read more about how we are working to embed and integrate the SDGs into our strategy.

Read more about how the diverse awards we have reinforce our determination in aiming to make a difference for our stakeholders.